Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Exposing The Big LIE! Your Momma Ain't A Cow And You Weren't Meant To Graze"

Copyright © 2007 © Terri L Wood

Find Out..."Secrets The Pharmaceutical Industry Hopes You'll Never Learn..."

Gastroensophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Barrett's Esophagus, Delayed Gastric Emptying (Gastroparesis), Duodenal Ulcers, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis,Gas, Heartburn, Indigestion…

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Are you suffering from one or a few of them? Are you sick and tired of all the medications and getting absolutely no where?

Actually the answer may be very simple!

All of these diseases have one thing in common and that is digestion. We are not digesting our food properly.

Here’s the problem: We chomp three times – sling it off the tonsils - slam it down the esophagus and the stomach say’s thanks, but can you send down some teeth down here to chew this stuff up with?

Digestion starts in the mouth from the moment you put anything with flavor in it. That’s right! Chewing gum is a teaser to the digestion. Keep reading and find out what problems this is causing.

Starches are broken down in the mouth, they require the special enzymes in the saliva to break them down that is not present in the stomach.

After you swallow, the food goes down the esophagus and comes to a balloon type thing called the stomach just under the ribcage. The food is moved from side to side until it is digested or turned to liquid and then the sphincter muscle starts squirting the food out of the stomach to the intestines.

That’s what is supposed to happen.

Let’s say I go to work…10:00 am I go to the break room and there’s a box of donuts, I can’t resist so I grab one or two.

The sphincter muscles are still working on emptying the stomach of breakfast and guess what happens when the donuts are put into the mouth where the digestion starts?

That’s right! The sphincter muscle shuts off to wait until the donuts are taken care of. The stomach can’t continue emptying out from breakfast.

Two hours later…lunch and the whole thing starts over. The breakfast sausage and eggs are still in the 98.6 degree stomach and isn’t going anywhere. Now a couple of hours later a candy bar and soda pop…two to three hours later there’s dinner and a couple of hours later…snack before bed. Now the lights are turned off and the digestion system shuts down for the night while you are asleep. Guess what is still in your stomach...yesterdays breakfast and all the other food you ate that day...now the whole thing starts over today.

It's no wonder the average person has 12-15 pounds of fecal matter compacted in the intestines, and that is just the average. Some of us have alot more, and you're worried about germs?

A study conducted with nurses…They were told they could eat two bites of chocolate between every meal. Three days later they sent a scope down to take a look in the stomach and found traces of the very first meal from three days ago. Guess what kind of condition that food was in?


Putrefied food is absorbed into the blood stream therefore causing bad blood.

Here’s a money saving tip for you, just go to your local McDonald's dumpster for your next meal. It won’t make a difference to the body because the body doesn’t care if it’s rotten going in or becomes rotten as it sits there.

You know what would happen if you left a piece of meat on the counter for the day right? Well, take that same piece of meat and leave it in a 100 degree oven for a day or two or three.

With the knowledge of how the body really works and digestion happens, it doesn’t make since to graze all day, does it?

Eating a diet rich in fiber, with lots of whole grains your body won’t need any food for 3-5 hours.

Think about it, the white bread and the white sugars don’t have any fiber in them. And while we are on this subject, check your labels carefully. If it says “100% Whole Wheat” buy it, if it just says “Wheat”, check the label. Chances are it will say “Enriched Wheat”. That simply means that 30 nutrients have been stripped and 4 have been added back. It’s the “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. What I give you 4 dollars for your 30 dollars?

Enjoy the pizzas, sandwiches, pasta’s **TIP**(boil the whole wheat pasta longer) this was a mistake I made in the beginning, I almost didn’t go back. I’m glad I did.

Use whole wheat and your body will repay you generously. You’ll also enjoy the way your clothes will fit. Less food = Less pounds. Those who eat whole wheat don’t have to worry about eating too much, it’s impossible.

Put the antacid companies out of business. Give your stomach a rest between meals and…

You will get better. GUARANTEED! 5 hours is the best, but go ahead and start out with 3, then move up from there.

**TIP**To get your digestion system off to a good start in the morning, drink a quart of warm water one hour before you eat. If you aren't used to drinking water, start off with two 8oz glasses. The water will give your body the fluid it needs to generate saliva, which is used to start digestion in the mouth. If you drink enough warm water just after rising, it will give your collin a good flush to start the day.

"Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day." "For they are life unto those that find them, and health unto all their flesh." Deuteronomy 32:46; Proverbs 4:22


Whole Wheat Bread

5C Boiling Water


1C Oats
2/3C Oil
2/3C Honey
4t Salt

Wait until mixture is cool enough to add yeast. It's safer to use a candy thermometer to measure temp at 110-115 degrees.


2T Dry Yeast and wait for yeast to proof or mixture to bubble up. Maybe 15-20 minutes.


1/2t Vitamin C Powder (Health Food Store)
1/2 - 2/3C Gluten Flour (Health Food Store)
10C Flour = 8 Whole Wheat & 3 White

If you are using a Kitchen Aid or Bosch Machine, the sides will come clean when you have added enough flour. Mixing by hand, forget the spoon, get your hands in there and mix it together until the dough forms a ball. Kneed 10 min. Divide into two oil sprayed loaf pans, shaped like a football in the middle. Cover with a towel. Place in oven that has been heated to 170 degrees and turned off. Wait for the dough to rise double the size you started with (20-30 minutes) and then turn on the oven to 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

You can use this bread receipe for pizza dough, just take some and roll it out to a very thin crust and raise it.

Don't worry if you don't get it perfect the first time. Usually it will take a practice or two.
You can do it and you will love it! You'll never want to go back to store bought again!

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