Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Why Am I So Tired & What Can I Do About It?"

Copyright © 2007 Terri L Wood

FREE Report! "Secrets The Pharmaceutical Industry Hopes You'll Never Learn..." http://TerriWood2007.googlepages.com/freereport

According to recent U.S. data, some 3.3 million patients each year visit their doctors for insomnia alone. And in Western nations, insomnia and related concerns have even been documented in preschool children and a German study found that 12 percent of four to five year old children had difficulties falling asleep.

Literally millions are crying out, “Why Am I So Tired & What Can I Do About It?”

There is now recognition among scientists that a very important hormone dubbed the “fix and rejuvenate” nighttime hormone decreases rapidly as we age. This hormone (melatonin) may actually help to delay some of the changes that we normally attribute to aging. Melatonin also decreases in animals as they age.

There is more evidence that melatonin may help to slow the aging process.

Nighttime levels of Melatonin peak in children between one and five years old and decrease steadily throughout puberty. By the end of puberty, peak melatonin levels have decreased 75% and continue to decrease throughout adult life.

Melatonin plays a big part as an Antioxidant. There is indication that melatonin protects against free radical damage from certain carcinogens, herbicides and radiation. Melatonin also helps fight cancer, stress, high blood pressure. It also may lower cholesterol and blood pressure, enhances the immune system, increases bone health thereby fighting bone loss that leads to Osteoporosis.

So where do I go from here you ask?

Get your body to produce more Melatonin.

What would happen if you took the oil filter out of your car? It seems like a fairly insignificant part to play in the over all roll of your car, right? That comes from a woman by the way. Regardless, even I know that would be a mistake.

Besides the following lifestyle and dietary changes one can incorporate, recent science shows missing nutrition at the cellular level called glyconutrition. Research is proving more and more that the body can actually reverse it self and heal from medically impossible illnesses when the missing nutrition is returned to the diet.

Habits that increase Melatonin production:

Increase exposure to natural light and minimize exposure to artificial light.
Sleep in complete darkness.
Eat foods rich in melatonin, tryptophan and vitamin B6.
Avoid a calcium deficiency.
Restrict food intake in general.
Practice fasting, especially in evening hours.

Foods high in Melatonin:

(pico-grams/grams of food)

Barley – 378
Banana – 460
Tomatoes – 500
Ginger – 583
Rice - 1,006
Corn – 1,366
Oats – 1,796

Foods high in Tryptophan
(mg/100 grams)

Whole milk – 46
Blackeyed Cowpeas – 267
Black Walnuts – 290
Almonds – 322
Sesame Seeds – 358
Gluten Flour – 510
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds – 578
Tofu – 747

Foods high in Vitamin B6
(mg/100 grams)

Lima Beans - 0.51
Lentils - 0.54
English - Walnuts 0.56
Banana - 0.58
Sesame seeds - 0.79
Sunflower Seeds - 0.81
Artichoke Hearts - 0.94
Sweet Bell Peppers - 2.22

Melatonin production is at its peak every day between 10pm and 10am, during our sleeping time.

“Sleep is worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours’ good sleep before twelve o’clock is worth more than four hours after twelve o’clock…”

Caution! Large amounts of Melatonin supplementation may in some cases pose significant harm.

Cheese Sauce Alternative (Rich in vitamin B6 and Triptophan)

Blend in a blender till creamy, about 1 minute

1 C - raw (blanched with boiling water) cashews
1 C - water 2T - raw sesame seeds, unhulled ( you can get this in your health food store or sometimes in the bulk section of your grocery store)

As needed for smooth blending -1 C water (be careful not to get it too thin, thicker is generally better)

Now add and blend
1/3C - chopped sweet red pepper or pimiento (not pickled)
2/3C - Nutritional yeast flakes (again, check with your health food store)
¼ t - celery salt
½ t - garlic salt
¾ t - salt
2 T - lemon juice.

Blend out completely until smooth and chunk free. Pour over vegetables, pitza or any place you would use melted cheese or sauce. Enjoy! : )

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